Certificate of Travel: People to People Educational Travel

  • Certification of Travel to Cuba Under a General License

    I understand that I must keep full and accurate records of the financial transactions I engage in related to this travel for five years.
    I have read the section of the Cuban Assets Control Regulations, 31 C.F.F. Part 515 that is checked off below (for a complete list of the requirements and restrictions for travel to Cuba go to ​http://www.ecfr.gov​) and I certify that I satisfy all the conditions for traveling to Cuba identified in that section of the regulations.
    I understand that I must also have a valid Cuban entry document to travel.

  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
    form image31 ​CFR § 515.565 (b) People-to-People

    The travel-related transactions and such additional transactions as are directly incident to educational exchanges not involving academic pursuant to a degree program-that is, people-to-people exchanges-are authorized, provided that:

    • The exchanges take place under the auspices of an organization subject to U.S. jurisdiction and that sponsors such exchanges to promote people-to-people contact;
    • Travel must be for the purpose of engaging, while in Cuba, in a full-time schedule of activities intended to enhance contact with the Cuban people, support civil society in Cuba, or promote the Cuban people’s independence from Cuban authorities.
    • Each traveler has a full-time schedule of educational exchange activities that will result in meaningful interaction between the traveler and individuals in Cuba.
    • An employee, paid consultant or agent of the sponsoring organization accompanies each group traveling to Cuba to ensure that each traveler has a full-time schedule of educational exchange activities; and
    • The predominant portion of the activities engaged in by individual travelers is not with individuals or entities acting for or on behalf of certain prohibited officials of the Government of Cuba or certain members of the Cuban Communist Party.

    Note 1: An organization that sponsors and organizes trips to Cuba in which travelers engage in individually selected and/or self-directed activities would not qualify for the general license.

    • Authorized trips are expected to be led by the sponsoring organization.
    • Transactions related to activities that are primarily tourist-oriented, including self-directed educational activities that are intended only for personal enrichment, are not authorized.

    A copy of this form will be in your e-mail