Certificate of Travel-Support for the Cuban People

  • Certification of Travel to Cuba Under a General License

    I understand that I must keep full and accurate records of the financial transactions I engage in related to this travel for five years.
    I have read the section of the Cuban Assets Control Regulations, 31 C.F.F. Part 515 that is checked off below (for a complete list of the requirements and restrictions for travel to Cuba go to ​http://www.ecfr.gov​) and I certify that I satisfy all the conditions for traveling to Cuba identified in that section of the regulations.
    I understand that I must also have a valid Cuban entry document to travel.

  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
    form image31 ​CFR § 515.574 (b) Support for the Cuban People Travel

    The travel-related ​​transactions​ set forth in ​§ 515.560(c)​ and other ​transactions​ that are intended to provide support for the Cuban people are authorized, provided that:

    (1)​ The activities are of:
    (i)​ Recognized human rights organizations;
    (ii)​ Independent organizations designed to promote a rapid, peaceful transition to democracy; or
    (iii)​ Individuals and non-governmental organizations that promote independent activity intended to strengthen civil society in Cuba; and
    (2)​ Each traveler engages in a full-time schedule of activities that:
    (i)​ Enhance contact with the Cuban people, support civil society in Cuba, or promote the Cuban people's independence from Cuban authorities; and
    (ii)​ Result in meaningful interaction with individuals in Cuba.
    (3)​ The traveler's schedule of activities does not include free time or recreation in excess of that consistent with a full-time schedule.

    Note 1: An organization that sponsors and organizes trips to Cuba in which travelers engage in individually selected and/or self-directed activities would not qualify for the general license.

    • Transactions related to activities that are primarily tourist - oriented, including self-directed educational activities that are intended only for personal enrichment, are not authorized.
    • Staying in a room at a rented accommodation in a private Cuban residence (​casa particular​), eating at privately-owned Cuban restaurants (​paladares)​ , and shopping at privately-owned stores run by self-employed Cubans (​cuentapropista​) are ​examples​ of activities that qualify for this general ​license​. However, in order to meet the requirement for a full-time schedule, a traveler must engage in additional authorized Support for the Cuban People activities.

    A copy of this form will be in your e-mail